Success Partners & company projects
Queen Sharm Hotel - Umm El Sid Plateau
New Queen Sharm Hotel - Umm El Sid Plateau
Morgen Land Hotel - St. Catherine
Queen MarsaAlam Resort - MarsaAlam
2 - Novotel El Quseir Hotel
Km19 - Egyptto Company for Touristic Resorts
3 - The Egyptian Chinese Company TIDA
4- Travcoa Hotel Group
Almaza Bay Hotel
Makadi City - Makadi Beach
5 - Sunrise Tiran Nabq Bay Hotel
6- Regency Hotel
7 - TropitalSahlHasheesh Hotel
8 - Royal Grand Azure Hotel
9 - Delta Sharm Village
10 - Lido MarsaAlam Hotel
11-Hyde Park Company (high-out area and restaurants group)
12-Concrete Plus Construction Company RS in the Administrative Capital \ New Alamein City
13-Mammary Group
Neece Village 1
Neece Village 2
Neece Village 3
Neece Village 4
14-Sharm Pride Hotel
15-Tilal Al-Sahel, Telal Al-Sokhna, Aston Park
16- TatweerMisr (Vocabe project, North Coast - InmontGalala project, Sokhna)
18- Tatweer Misr (Vokabe North Coast Project - Monte Galala Sokhna Project)
19- Sunrise Hotel Group
20- Tropital Hotel Sahl Hasheesh
21- Tropital Naama Bey Hotel
22-Taj Sultan Compound
23- Vision Real Estate Company
24- Al Suwaidi Industrial City in Ismailia
25- Masaya village, Sidi Abdel Rahman, North Coast
26-Flash Company
27- The Magic One hotel steamer
Photos, company profile and projects
Some of our success partners